Looking to hire a Freelance Custom PHP developer at the right budget? How about paying lower prices than what a Freelancer charges, but backed by a Georgia based company in business since 2002, and rated 5 stars/A+?
Hire PHP developers from MediaLinkers to create robust and scalable PHP custom applications using frameworks like Laravel, Symfony and Code Igniter.
Why you should hire a Dedicated Developer through MediaLinkers?
- Flexible Contracts. Month to Month basis available.
- Your developer works exclusively for you. A freelancer sitting at home may start hunting for additional opportunities after you start depending on them. Our in-house Developers are salaried, working under our supervision.
- Includes support from a Designer to achieve your Programming Goals.
- Discover the benefits of working with our skilled PHP Developers.
API Integration
Application Development
Database Design
System Architecture Design
Custom eCommerce
Custom CMS
Data Scrapping
Payment Integration
Video Streaming
Up-gradation to PHP 7 and up
If you feel like no cookie-cutter solution stands up to your unique business needs or ideas, contact us today for a free professional consultation.